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Discover your unknowns and reduce your attack surface

Are you ready to take your security operations to the next level? Our team of dedicated security professionals have the expertise and experience to help you identify and remediate gaps in your security posture.

Even organizations with strong security controls and processes may not be able to detect and contain a breach quickly. Without practice, your defenders “blue team” are unlikely to effectively detect and respond to a real breach scenario. Adversary simulation exercises, which include threat intelligence based ethical red teaming but also purple teaming, can find blind spots and improves in your incident response teams, controls and processes, to help you minimize the damage if a breach occurs.


Test your tools

Adversary Attack Simulations can be used to identify deficiencies in your detection and response tools. Utilize the results of these simulations to fine-tune and enhance the capabilities of your security solutions in accordance with the MITRE ATT&CK Framework. By incorporating Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) gleaned from these simulations, you can further optimize the effectiveness of your organization’s cyber defenses.

Test your teams

Red Team and Purple Team exercises can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and readiness of your incident response teams in detecting and responding to simulated attacks. These exercises focus on the use of stealth techniques, while purple teaming exercises involve collaboration between our red team and your incident response team to simulate realistic attack and defense scenarios.

Test your programs

Are you worried about the potential impact of high-profile threats such as ransomware on your organization? By conducting threat intelligence-based red teaming exercises, you can evaluate the preparedness and effectiveness of your incident response protocols against simulated scenarios modeled on the tactics and methodologies employed by actual attackers. we can test your assumptions.

Makes us

Industry knowledge

CybrOps’s team specializes in identifying the business processes specific to various industry sectors and business units, and is well-versed in the typical vulnerabilities associated with detection and response. We make a concerted effort to comprehend core business applications from the perspective of an attacker. Our attack simulations are based on the most recent threat intelligence reports


CybrOps assesses extensive expertise in utilizing red teaming methodologies to evade security measures. We have developed custom payloads and command and control frameworks to achieve objectives. We have developed in-house tools and techniques for circumventing, evading, and disabling security controls, assisting organizations in improving their defensive capabilities.

Attacker mindset

CybrOps’s team of certified ethical hackers employ a similar methodology as adversaries to simulate attacks on organizations. We assist defensive teams in gaining a deeper understanding of the shortcomings in their strategies for prevention, detection, and response by utilizing advanced attack techniques, and deliver comprehensive report recommendations to address identified gaps aligned with frameworks such as MITRE ATT&CK.

CybrOps conducts simulated real-world scenarios, leveraging the expertise of our team members to emulate advanced threat scenarios against major corporations
We deliver attack simulations of advanced threats that are engineered to evade detection, establish persistence, and exfiltrate or alter critical information
Assist your internal incident response teams in enhancing their programs and expanding their techniques, tactics and procedures (TTPs).
Assesses the effectiveness of your fraud or security incident response team’s capabilities in the areas of prevention, detection, and response.
Conducts engagements that mimic the actions of both standard and APT providing training to your team, identifying vulnerabilities, and improving the overall maturity of your organization’s cybersecurity capabilities.
Works closely with staff post-exercise to explain the attacks conducted and educate them on how to better detect and respond to an incident

Operationalize Unmatched Insights from the Best

CybrOps Adversary Attack Simulation services enable organizations to effectively manage risk and defend against emerging threats


An Expert's View of Your Environment

Adversaries with a determined objective utilize specific methodologies. Get a thorough understanding of the tactics, techniques and procedures employed by targeted attackers in targeting your organizational environment.

Operationalize Unmatched Insights from the Best

Acquire a comprehensive understanding of the techniques employed by sophisticated adversaries in identifying vulnerabilities within your organizational environment and executing attacks that circumvent your established security measures.

Discover Dangerous Blind Spots Before Attackers Do

blind spots in your cyber security can result in significant negative impact. Proactively identify and assess susceptible entry points, insufficient security measures, and potential pathways that may compromise your valuable assets.

See How Defenses Stand Up to the Most Concerning Threats

Evaluate the effectiveness of your security measures against potential worst-case scenarios and commonly utilized attack methods with maximum flexibility in the configuration of your test scenarios.

Measure Your Detection and Response Capabilities

An attacker with a clear objective and sufficient resources can eventually achieve success. Regularly assess the capability of your incident response team to detect and prevent attacks that are specifically designed to evade detection.

Design the experience you want to have

Prevent simulated scenarios from materializing in reality. Obtain actionable guidance on countermeasures against potential attack vectors that pose the greatest risk to your organization by filtering out irrelevant information.

With its extensive experience emulating advanced attacks against some of the largest organizations in the world, the CybrOps team fills a red teaming gap or augments existing in-house red team capabilities to help improve detection and response processes.

That way, if an actual compromise occurs, the client’s blue teams and controls are equipped to detect and respond quickly, which minimizes the potential damage.

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