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Mobile Application Security Assessment

CybrOps helps app and device developers to deliver secure products in an everevolving digital landscape. Our mission is to provide the best security solutions for both applications and mobile devices, so you can protect your clients, customers, and your business from potential cyber threats.

We understand that the mobile landscape is constantly evolving, and our team is equipped with the latest technologies and techniques to keep your application secure.

A multi-part review of your mobile assets and infrastructure, including testing of the wireless carrier network, mobile device, applications, M2M, and more.

With a combination of a comprehensive architecture review, threat modelling, source code review, and practical tests, we identify potential security threats that may affect data confidentiality, data integrity and the availability of mobile applications.

Get a security check of a representative smartphone or mobile OS device from your company. Inclusive of modifications over the stock firmware, OEM services and modules, configurations, sandboxing controls, and pre-installed applications.

Assess the security level of on-premises and in-cloud MDM and MAM solutions. Identify architectural weaknesses, common misconfigurations, and potential vulnerabilities in controls.

With a solution list as comprehensive as ours, we can’t list them all here. If you are interested in another service, reach out and we can help.

From security testing to strategic advisory, CybrOps is here to solve your most pressing security challenges. Our experts leverage years of industry expertise to give your teams critical insight and guidance on a variety of security areas. Identify vulnerabilities targeting your organization, uncover security gaps, meet and maintain regulatory compliance, and more.

Leverage a multi-stage security approach

We incorporate threat modelling, penetration testing, architecture and source code review, and more.

Release secure apps and devices

Ensure your customers adopt products with the strongest possible security posture.

Limit attack exposure

Identify configuration and deployment flaws associated with integrating mobile solutions into a corporate environment.

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